The City Government of Cagayan de Oro together with the main data processor of this online system, the City Civil Registry Office (CCRO), and the system developer, City Management Information Systems and Innovation Department (CMISID), values your privacy and rights. It is our duty to give you assurance and confidence to notify you of the submitted data most specifically your given personal information as well as your sensitive personal information on how it is being collected, processed, kept, and disposed of in this CCRO Document Request System. This is also to inform you of your rights by the laws and regulations stated and specified in the Republic Act No. 10173 which is also known as the "Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA)".


  • Personal Information Controller (PIC): City Civil Registry Office controls all the data being collected in this system. Identified as the product owner of the development of the system.
  • Personal Information Processor (PIP): The City Civil Registry staff assigned to process the collected data from this system 
  • System Developer: City Management Information Systems and Innovation Department is in-charge in the development, maintenance, and server management of this request system as per request by the PIC.
  • National Privacy Commission (NPC): Commission mandated to administer and implement the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
  • Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA): An act to protect the privacy and personal data of the individuals or data subjects.
  • Request System: CCRO Online Document Request System; This system’s main function is to extend services of the CCRO to their clients at the comfort of their location in request documents from them.



The CCRO Document Request System main objective is to bring the document request for:

  • Birth Certificate;
  • Marriage Certificate; and 
  • Death Certificate

to the CCRO clients remotely or at the comfort of the location of the requester or client. 

  1. For the document request on Birth Certificate, the following data will be collected:
  • Type of Document for Birth Certificate (Certified True Machine copy, Certified True copy, Certified Machine copy)
  • Number of copies
  • Sex (Male, Female)
  • Document Owner’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name; Maiden Name will be required for Married female)
  • Document Owner’s Date of Birth
  • Document Owner’s Father (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
  • Document Owner’s Mother (Maiden Name: Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
  • Purpose of the Request
  • Requester’s Information:
    1. Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
    2. Mailing Address (House No., Street Name, Barangay, City/Municipality, Province, Postal Zip Code)
    3. Contact No. (Preferably mobile number)
    4. Email address (if available)


  1. For the document request on Marriage Certificate, the following data will be collected:
  • Type of Document for Marriage Certificate (Certified True Machine copy, Certified True copy, Certified Machine copy)
  • Number of copies
  • Name of Husband (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
  • Maiden Name of Wife (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
  • Date of Marriage
  • Purpose of the Request
  • Requester’s Information:
    1. Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
    2. Mailing Address (House No., Street Name, Barangay, City/Municipality, Province, Postal Zip Code)
    3. Contact No. (Preferably mobile number)
    4. Email address (if available)


  1. For the document request on Death Certificate, the following data will be collected:
  • Type of Document for Death Certification (Certified True Machine copy, Certified True copy, Certified Machine copy)
  • Number of copies
  • Sex (Male, Female)
  • Document Owner’s Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name; Maiden Name will be required for Married female)
  • Document Owner’s Date of Death
  • Purpose of the Request
  • Requester’s Information:
    1. Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
    2. Mailing Address (House No., Street Name, Barangay, City/Municipality, Province, Postal Zip Code)
    3. Contact No. (Preferably mobile number)
    4. Email address (if available)


The collected data from the submitted request form will be used to process that said request. The data will be used to verify the available records in the City Civil Registry Office as well as identify the requester’s information for the processing of the delivery of the document/s requested. 

The purpose of the request data moreover, will be used for a statistical report that will help the City Civil Registry Office serve the public the best way possible.



The data submitted in the request form will be recorded in this system for the processing of the assigned PIP. The data will be processed based on the type of request by the requester by first verifying the data and document’s availability in the PIC. Hence, the data will only first be processed by the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and be used for the accomplishment of the requester’s request.

A statistical report will also be produced for the improvement of the services of the PIC that only the PIC, as well as the City Government, can use. A statistical report produced will never display any personal information of any data subject in particular.



The PIP together with the PIC and this request system with the developers of the system ensures that the personal data under its custody are protected against any unlawful processing (misused, modified, interfered, lost, or disclosed to unauthorized personnel). 

The management of the request system follows the security standard and practices and processed such as but not limited to the following:

  • Document storage security policies;
  • Permission management and access management to control access of the system and its servers;
  • Limited access to personal data is controlled by the PIC;
  • Installed security systems (i.e. firewalls, data encryption on the personal information)
  • Transfer of data through a secured file transfer protocol

The collected data shall be kept and maintained up to a certain period or as long as necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or as required by laws and regulations.



The PIC shall maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of all personal data that come to their knowledge and possession whether as to who will be assigned as the PIP to process the data in this request system. All personal data may it be personal information or sensitive personal information that is under the custody of the City Government and its servers and data storage shall be disclosed only under a lawful purpose that is written in the Data Privacy Notice and any related Data Privacy Act documents and to authorized recipients/requesters of such data.



The privacy of data of the City Government is legally monitored and managed by the registered Data Privacy Officer, Atty. Reymond Q. Villablanca (also the Asst. City Legal Officer). The Compliance Officer for Privacy in the City Civil Registry Officer coordinates with the City Data Privacy Officer is given the role to oversee the compliance of the office or the PIC on the Data Privacy Act, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other related policies. PIPs of this request system were trained, oriented, and signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement.

All the personal data that is stored in the database of this request system followed the security protocol



The PIC made sure that processing of the collected data in this request system should only be done by authorized PIP and signed the non-disclosure agreement to protect the data subjects and the requester’s submitted personal information.

The system developer, being trusted by the PIC, shall always maintain a backup file for all the data in the data container under its custody. The system developer also makes sure that a security breach or data breach will less happen as security protocols were applied in the system as well as its server and data container. But in the least instance that a security incident will happen, the system developer will submit an incident report to the Data Protection Officer and the Compliance Officer for Privacy of the PIC in compliance with the notification protocol set by the Data Protection Officer of the City Government. The Data Protection Officer will then submit the incident report to NPC and/or the cybersecurity bureau for further investigation.

Moreover, the City Government commits to protect the data of their data subjects as well as commits to comply with the DPA and recognize the privacy rights of their data subjects.



Personal information owner, data subjects, and/or the requesters have the following rights that the PIC and the whole City Government recognized in this request system (RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECTS):

  1. The right to be informed, thus this Data Privacy Notice notifies the data subjects on how their personal information is being collected, processed, used, and protected in this Request System.
  2. The right to access, thus the data subjects shall be able to have a track of their request.
  3. The right to object, thus data subjects have the right not to proceed and submit the data so as the data be processed for this certain system purpose.
  4. The right to damages, thus data subjects can request for assessment/investigation of their data that might be mishandled by PIC or PIP to the Data Privacy Officer of the City Government.
  5. The right to file a complaint, thus data subjects can file a complaint to the City’s Data Privacy Officer for any misused, maliciously disclosed, or improper disposal of their data.



For further inquiries or complaints, you may report or coordinate with the:

  1. Registered City Government’s Data Privacy Officer:

Atty. Reymond Q. Villablanca

Asst. City Legal Officer

City Legal Office

Ground Floor, Executive Building, City Hall, Cagayan de Oro City


Contact Number: (088) 857-2260 / +63-960-902-1208


  1. Personal Information Controller (PIC):

City Civil Registry Office

First Floor Executive Building, City Hall, Cagayan de Oro City

Email: /

Contact Number: +63-906-828-8219 / +63-906-828-8187


  1. Compliance Officer for Privacy of PIC:

Evangeline C. Tapangan

City Civil Registrar

City Civil Registry Office

First Floor Executive Building, City Hall, Cagayan de Oro City

Email: /

Contact Number: +63-906-828-8219 / +63-906-828-8187





The provisions of this Notice are effective this ____ day of ____________, 2022, until revoked or amended

by this entity, the City Government of Cagayan de Oro.