For any personal data/ information you provided by which you can be identified, rest assured that it will only be used in accordance with the Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012. We keep personal data/information for as long as it is necessary. If purpose has been served, personal data collected will be disposed/discarded in accordance with pertinent laws. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal data/information we hold about you, as well as to ask for it to be corrected or updated as needed. To do so, please inform our travel verifiers before, during or after the travel verification phase.
By clicking "Proceed", I give permission for my data to be held in the Operation Tabang LSI-ROF-APOR - Pre-Arrival Coordination Database and agree that the Operation Tabang LSI-ROF-APOR may process personal data relating to me for pre-arrival, arrival, holding area, quarantine and post-quarantine management purposes and as required by law.