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Cagayan de Oro City ONLINE CSO DESK

Online Services

CSO Desk is created through EO 41-2022 which serves as the venue for CSOs in the locality to address their issues and concerns; encourage and assist CSOs to apply for accreditation to a local special body and/or participation in local government programs, including the People's Council; and to promote the meaningful participation of CSOs in all local government programs, project, and activities through the spirit of volunteerism.

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CSO Assessment and Profiling Survey

The City Government of Cagayan de Oro is conducting a survey of Civil Society Sectors in the city in accordance with the DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-72, which mandates the inventory of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the city. This survey aims to know more about your capacity-building needs and your observation/comments on the LGU's feedback mechanism. This way, the city will be able to draw up a capacity development program to strengthen your ability to engage with the local government.

Answer the survey